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Snow and Ice Melt Sensor-Controller Kit



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Our PYROSelf Kit SnowFree System is the ultimate all-in-one snow sensor & controller for light commercial and residential use. A “plug and Play” controller for frost protection, as well as ice and snow melt applications. When receiving a signal from the built-in snow sensor, it activates the contactors energizing the heating elements. Based on the configuration and settings, the two outputs to the two zones are activated together or in staggering mode. The outdoor temperature set-point as well as the ambient lower limit temperature can be easily set by the remote control.

The Technician Settings mode allows the installer or technician to adjust the parameters for customized installations using the remote control. The adjustable time delay (Hold On) is adjustable in the range of 0 up to 48 hours. Installing the system is a quick and easy task. Apart of mounting the metal box to the wall, the installer needs only to connect the line in and line out wires in the marked terminals and the system is ready to work. Kit includes: the PYROself Sensor, the PYRO bracket and the PYRO remote control.

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PDF files with installation instruction, specifications and directions.

PYROSelf Ice Melting Sensor Controller

PYROSB Mounting Bracket Self

PYROSense Technical Specifications Self

PYROULS Mounting Bracket Self


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